UCSC University Academic Curriculum
UCSC International offers two Orientation Events for International Students at the beginning of each semester to provide students with all the necessary information for their stay at UCSC. During the orientation students will be informed on how to organize their course schedule, select courses, find classrooms, have access to campus facilities (cafeteria, library, health center and sports service etc.). They will also meet student associations and also receive their Cattolica student card/badge along with a personalized folder of information.
UCSC International welcomes hundreds of International Students to its Milan campus within the scope of international mobility projects, and to promote internationalization.

Given the current crisis caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19, the University has not yet confirmed the official academic calendar for 2021/22. The academic calendars hereby enclosed refer to the academic year 2019/20.
This information will be updated soon.

See information regarding matriculation. Students admitted by an IMACS partner university are automatically admitted to the IMACS UCSC program.

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