
Master in Cultural Diplomacy

The new and updated 2023/24 edition of the Master is now organised by ASERI, the Graduate School of Economics and Interanational Relations. 

Visit the Master's pages for more information


La Cultural Diplomacy per il mondo globale: il master per le next generation

Diplomazia culturale: fra Soft Power e Economia della Cultura (webinar) Relatori: Prof.ssa Federica Olivares (Director International Program in Cultural Diplomacy), Amb. Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata (già Ministro degli Affari Esteri e Rappresentante Permanente presso le Nazioni Unite), Amb. Massimo Riccardo (Rappresentante Permanente d'Italia presso UNESCO), Dott. Angelo Ficarra (Consulente comunicazione istituzionale e politica).
Moderatore: Dott. Nicola Saldutti, Corriere della Sera
In collaborazione con Club Diplomatici Unicatt

Diplomazia Culturale: le arti al servizio di pace e cooperazione | Secondo Tempo  - Cattolica News



Farnesina, a 13 studenti il diploma in «diplomazia culturale»

Prof. Federica Olivares: Cultural Diplomacy proves its power to tear down walls

Quando nell'arte c'era già l'Europa
Visita agli Uffizi degli allievi del master in Cultural Diplomacy, con la guida d’eccezione del direttore Eike Schmidt

Il master degli ambasciatori di cultura
Al Mibac il Graduation Day del master in Cultural Diplomacy,

Cities, Museums, Visual Arts, Music, Sports, Mega events and Social media represent the new frontier in creating a global reputation for public and private sectors.

This Master is a 1 year international Program with an innovative intersection of disciplines, the first at European level to combine three different fields of study: Public Diplomacy and International Relations; Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy for the global reputation of Countries and Cities and as an effective tool in project of reconciliation in conflict areas; Digital Diplomacy and Global Communication for the engagement of worldwide audiences.

The Master’s belonging both to the Graduate School of Economics and International Relations - ASERI and to the Postgraduate School in Media and Communication (ALMED) constitutes an irreplaceable asset. Distinguished Faculty from major international Universities and top-level professionals make the Master in Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations a passport to the world.





Personalized Orientation

The director of the Master will be happy to arrange an individual orientation meeting to answer your questions and give you personalized advice: write to master.culturaldiplomacy@unicatt.it to request a personalized orientation online interview.

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