

Imacs Faculty includes both scholars and professionals that work in the main areas of media and cinema communication. Courses provide both advanced theoretical knowledge about the current debate and the opportunity to apply the theoretical models to specific case studies.

For any further information about Imacs faculty, please contact Imacs coordinators:


Mariagrazia Fanchi is full professor of Film Studies in Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. She is also Director of ALMED. Alta Scuola in media Comunicazione e Spettacolo (https://almed.unicatt.it/) and head of MA Program CIMO. Comunicazione per l’Impresa, i Media e le Organizzazioni Complesse (https://offertaformativa.unicatt.it/cdl-comunicazione-per-l-impresa-i-media-e-le-organizzazioni-complesse-2018).  She graduated in Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan in 1993, and took her Ph.D. on Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the same university in 1998. She was visiting professor at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, and at the Università Lateranense in Rome, teaching courses on topics such as media and communications, audience studies, reception studies, film studies and cultural history. Since 2009, she has been director of several postgraduate programs: “Audio-visual Production for cinema and digital media” (2009, 2010, 2013), “Media Relations” (2011), “Digital Communications Specialists” (2012). From 2013 to 2015, she coordinated the IMACS. International Master in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies (http://imacsite.net/).  She is a member of the scientific board of national and international reviews: Comunicazioni Sociali, CINEMA&CIE, L’Avventura (Il Mulino) and Italianist-Cinema; and of the series: Italiana (published by Il Castoro) and Cinergie (published by Mimesis). Between the years 2002 and 2004, she has been the Italian Researchers’ representative in the Consulta Universitaria del Cinema (http://consultacinema.org/), and between 2011-2014 she was the Associate Professors’ representative in the same Council. She used to be a member of the Steering Committee of the phd program in Culture della Comunicazione and now she is member of the Steering Committee of the phd program in Discipline Umanistiche. Tradizione e Contemporaneità of Catholic University. She coordinated many research studies, both for public and private institutions, focusing on the role played by cinema and television in the identity building process. In particular, studying topics such as, traditional and innovative modes of the filmic experience; visual experiences; cinema and media audiences; gender and generational identities; feminilization of Italian cinema and television jobs; grassroot production and creativity. Now she is working on a wide project on children and cinema. Among her books: “I nuovi Cinema Paradiso” (Vita e Pensiero, 2017), “Audience” (Laterza, 2014), “Spettatore” (Il Castoro, 2005), and “Identità mediatiche. Televisione e cinema nelle storie di vita di due generazioni di spettatori” (Franco Angeli 2002). Also, she edited some monographic issues of “Bianco e Nero” (2004), “CINEMA&Cie” (2004), and “Comunicazioni Sociali” (2002; 2007; 2008; 2014; 2018), as well as some essays and collective volumes devoted to the history of the audience in Italy, and the new forms of filmic experience.

See http://docenti.unicatt.it/ita/mariagrazia_fanchi/


Ruggero Eugeni is full professor of Media Semiotics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. His interests are focused on the living / lived media experience, as defined both in historical / semiotic terms, and in phenomenological / neurocognitive ones. He's is currently working on the project of a “Neurofilmology”, a framework of dialogue between audiovisual semiotics and neurocognitive sciences; more exactly, he’s deepening two topics: the subjective perception of time in audiovisual experience; and the relation between cinema and hypnosis.

His most recent works are “La condizione postmediale” [The postmedia condition], Brescia, 2015; and "Semiotica dei media. Le forme dell’esperienza" [Media semiotics. Forms of Experience], Roma, 2010. Other leading works are "Analisi semiotica dell’immagine. Pittura, illustrazione, fotografia" [Semiotic Analysis of the Image. Painting, Graphics, Photography], Milan, new ed. 2004; "Film, sapere, società. Per un’analisi sociosemiotica del testo cinematografico" [Film, Culture, Society. For a Socio-semiotic Analysis of the Film], Milano, 1999; "La relazione d'incanto. Studi su cinema e ipnosi" [The Enchanted Relationship. Studies on Film and Hypnotism], Milano, 2002.]

A numbers of article, papers and preprints in English are available at the site Media|experience|semiotics (http://ruggeroeugeni.com) or http://unicatt.academia.edu/ruggeroeugeni

See: http://docenti.unicatt.it/ita/ruggero_eugeni/

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